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  1. 缅甸求购轮转丝网印刷机
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尼日利亚求购牛仔裤 We are importers and wholesallers for all kinds of the above mentioned products in our country for t 03/12/29 Lagos
贝宁湾求购女士牛仔裤 We want to buy already made garments such as ladies jeans, dress, blouse, skirts and men's jackets. 03/12/29 Cotonou
荷兰求购新款童装 I'm searchin for new fashion kids wear. 03/12/29 Venlo
尼日利亚求购服装和婴儿装 We are interested to enter into mutual business trasaction with your firm on your products, and we a 03/12/29 Ikeja
加纳求购童装(衣服和鞋子) I am looking for the manufacturers of children's wear, sewing treads to establish business contacts 03/12/29 Kumasi
加纳求购童装和缝纫线 I am looking for manufacturers of children's wear and sewing threads to establish business contacts. 03/12/29 Kumasi
美国求购婴儿装 I am looking to manufacture in China to export to the USA a full line of baby items, acccessories an 03/12/29 NY
澳大利亚求购童装 I am based in Australia and would like to get in contact with a company based in China who manufactu 03/12/29 Sydney
英国求购丝质被褥 Buy: Silk filled pillows and quilts and silk sheet sets. 03/12/29 Manchester
巴基斯坦求购被单 We want to buy bed sheet, welcome best China suppliers to contact us. 03/12/29 Gujranwala
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